Due to COVID we are waiting to find out if an in person festival will be possible in 2021.
Due to COVID we are waiting to find out if an in person festival will be possible in 2021.
The Potomac Native American Flute Festival is coordinated by volunteers from the Northern Virginia and Potomac Flute Circles in the Washington DC area. For the last decade, the Festival has provided a welcoming venue that connects flutes with people. Our goal is to get flutes into the hands of those who want to play. The first Festival was held in 2003. We’ve welcomed such performers as Carlos Nakai, Arvel Bird, Suzanne Teng, Cornell Kinderknecht and many others. The best part of Festival is the community — flute players from around the country get the chance to spend time with each other and share their love of the flute.
In addition to the Festival, Native American flute players in the metro area host monthly flute circles and in the fall of 2010 re-instituted the Flute Fall-In at a retreat center near Roanoke, Virginia.
All events are coordinated entirely by volunteers and any revenues from events throughout the year are focused solely on defraying costs of the Festival or in supporting educational outreach activities in the DC area.
We are pleased to announce the Flute Fall-In. It will be happening. Details of the event are still being developed, location and faciliites, directions, and registration information are provided above.
The baseline Fall-in schedule of events is listed below:
Thursday Noon: Fall-In weekend begins (starting with dinner Thursday, all meals are provided for weekend registrants)
Each Morning (7am): Yoga with Stuart (Kundalini or Hatha, depending on the attendees)
Friday afternoon: We are all invited to the home of Kitty McGann for one of Kitty’s fabulous home-cooked meals and reminiscing.
Sunday Noon: Fall-in weekend finishes
The Potomac Flute Festival was a great success! We celebrated the wonderful sounds and energies of the Native American flute. If you love playing the flute, listening to the flute, or learning about the flute, the Festival was the place to be. This year, we are celebrated the last ten years of festivals with our theme: “Winds of Remembrance.” In addition to seven stellar Native American flute performers, we had workshops for all levels of experience, our always awesome Vendor Hall, an Open Mic where everyone who wanted to got the chance to play, and three Saturday concerts with headlining performers drawn from our last ten years of festivals.
The next event has not been scheduled due to COVID.
The next event has not been scheduled due to COVID.